Thursday, November 26, 2009

still in love

It seems appropriate to publically serenade chocolate, since it's been so good to me all these years - specifically raw chocolate...which has brought my adoration for this nut to a whole new level.

It just keeps giving and giving and giving, without expecting anything in return. It opens my heart and my mind and it inspires me to be the best me I can be every time I'm around it. Plus it's friggen totally good & healthy for me. Bonus! It's no wonder I bat my eyelashes every time I'm around this yummy rich goodness.

Nutritionally, David Wolfe sums it up nicely in this short video.

Mmmm. Natures medicine.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

dear universe: style me!

One of my life goals is to have a personal stylist. Someone that I consult with on a regular basis on what looks best on me, what my image is communicating, where I want to take my hair, etc, etc.
Why do celebrities often look so dang ingenious with their looks? They've paid someone to help then get there. In the classic work smarter not harder mantra - the savvy celebrity let's someone else do the thinking for them.
And I'm convinced that good style makes others happy and incites them to find their own stylespiration. Even with all my hippy tendencies, watching Anna Wintour & Grace Coddinton work their magic amidst the fashion world in The September Issue (of Vogue) was completely inspiring. NYC here I come. I also like that I'm more excited than ever to look my best while keeping my values close: not spending frivolously or purchasing trendy, disposable clothing; opting for natural, organic, sustainable fabrics that feel good against my skin as often as possible, buying second hand or consciously made items...choosing items that have at least a 50-50 fashion-function ratio. it just makes sense!
I've always loved fashion, and while for the most part I've tamed the consumerist beast that ruled me from deep within for so many years...i still want to look good, I still enjoy taking part in the textile expression. The right hair, outfit, shoes and attitude can make an ordinary day extraordinary.
This morning my sister - who's gifted in the style area- took it upon herself to 'style' me. She took my style, tweaked it...and the rest of the day flowed like an ormus filled spring from the mountain earth. Complements, synchronicities, synergies ensued.
Coincidience? I think not.
And it's nice to know that my goal isn't even that far out of reach.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

my modern ark

The other day my mind drifted to a piece of land my family owns out in the middle of somewhere. It's a lovely parcel of earth, with rolling trees & brooks and deer & bunnies. What's not to like, really. It's one of those 'things' in my life that I like knowing is there...even though I can't say i've used it that much. I remember my dad took my sis and I cross country skiing there once upon a time.
When I thought of our familial soil the idea to build an Earthship came to my mind. And of course I went to someday not too many thoughts after. An impromptu google search later and I find that with the proper course of action I could be pretty much good to go and living in my very on earthship on my grandpa's ole farm in 8 life changing weeks. Or at least have a place to retreat to every now and then.
And the modern ancient technology that is required to build these structures inspires me to get back to my ancestral roots and life off the land with modern conveniences. As it's said: Amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic
Sure it's not basking in mountainous glory, but I've seen the sunsets out there...and this place beholds the quiet beauty akin to the serious actor vs celebrity or the nerd next door vs the obviously 'cool', popular kid.
Yep. Gotta manifest me an Earthship. Might need to sail away soon.