Thursday, June 30, 2011

a good day

A good day for me can consist of sleeping the day away, but waking up and going for a hike to the top of a local hill to soak in the rays of the sunset.

Something in that one action makes the rest of my seemingly low productivity day jump into the best day ever catogory. Sure I slept through the hot sunshine and the "key work hours" that everyone else seems to keep, but I did I have lucid dreams and restful sleep. Definitely worth it.

After I awake I exercise my body and finally ingest of the most nourishing food a human can take in: the lightrays of the sun just as it's setting. The sun pours forth from the horizon like honey, and I tilt my head back and drink it in. Bonus - it's easy on the digestive tract. I know. Bad joke.

There is such amazing magic in sungazing that it's simply better to experience it than talk about it. Barefoot against the earth, staring at the horizon just as the sun goes down makes it easy on the retina's and powerful for the soul. Barefoot (grounded) and sunrise/sunset timing is of crucial importance.

Can you say cosmic downloads?

After, i continue on my hike and notice all the beauty that surrounds me, hear all the animals rustling in the bush and enjoy my quietude. Alone, I feel like I'm surrounded by friends.

It's time well spent. In these moments I say to the universe: I love & respect my life. I have reverence for my time on this planet - even through a day of rest I let this be known. I cherish my body and my senses. I'm grateful for all that surrounds me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Here's a suggestion to my fellow earthly neighbours: When a day doesn't seem as productive as you'd like just go for a hike - even if it's around the block of an industrial area. Trust me, I've been there.

There is still nature intermixed with the concrete jungle. Find the beauty, feel the gratitude and turn a day into a good one, or even the best one yet.

Monday, June 27, 2011

self study

from time to time i'll take a self portrait of myself. I like observing myself and gauging how much I like myself in that photo in that moment.

What do I really look like? How do people perceive me? Can I figure this out simply by looking at myself. I'm curious.

Away from my family and friends, I don't have that intimate feedback loop coming back towards me. Maybe this is a good thing, but I still like knowing. or at least guessing.

The other day i asked a new friend if he thought I was brash. He mentioned that he thought I was direct and that some people could perceive that as brash, but he liked it. I guess it's all about which side of the fine line I land on.

And too - so what if I am brash? Perhaps a little brashness is necessary in this day in age - particularly my specific brand of it.

Does my bed head rock the house or should I brush my hair and work another angle?

Does my inner being match the face I feel should be on the outside? Am I presenting the best me i can be? After all, judgement can keep doors closed.

I would like to be in a place where people are naturally open and attracted to me and my way of being.

It's an exercise of self love, because sometimes I can be so hard myself. A picture that I don't like in a moment might be perfectly fine a few days later. Or vice versa.

Often I'm surprised. I might feel like shit and take a picture and wow myself. Or I might feel top of the world, take a picture and realized I look remarkably like I do when I haven't slept for a couple of days.

And often there are no surprises. I look exactly as I thought I might.

And then I move on to something else.