Monday, July 6, 2009

eat junk, become junk

Probably one of my larger monthly expenses – besides all the money involved with property ownership – is my food bill. Being super choosy has its price – with money, yes – but if not money, then time, effort &/or creativity is the ‘bill’. In the past few years I’ve come to recognize that paying more for the best food available is worth the cost of acquisition.

When I consider that every molecule of what I consume is used as the building blocks for my body – i.e. becomes a part of it – the choice becomes simple. Do I want my brain to be composed of molecules from a big mac or a home grown organic garden salad with all the fixin’s?

Brillat-Savarin said: Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are. When it comes to food, much of the “stuff” available to eat out there is like, EW. Far from being food, many of the products available are simply ‘edibles’ that we consume to fill our tummies. So, if we’re eating foods that technically aren’t even real – exactly who are we?

Concocted in a laboratory for maximum yield & profit or flavored for our habit-forming eating and sensory pleasure, these foods are slowly destroying our genetic make up.Yep, one meal at a time genetically modified Franken-foods, and edibles grown with fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, larvicides, antibiotics and hormones are fucking with our DNA slowly, but surely. Oh, darn.

How to get over this whole “dilemma”: pay attention. To what you eat. All the time. Michael Pollan, food researcher and author, proposes a new answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. An excerpt from the first chapter of his book The Omnivores Dilemma helps to make sense of things (click here).

Reading ingredients makes this easy. If the words on the side of the box sound like something from a chemistry reality, they are.

The best part of committing to eating the best food ever – all the time - is that food becomes an adventure. Searching out delicious, nutritious eats no matter where you are, who you're with or what time it is generally serves up the most interesting people, places and experiences. Bon appetite.

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