Thursday, October 7, 2010

cardboard food

one of my co-workers came into my office today, and after tootin' in my space proceeded to tell me about her digestive woes, and how she thought gluten was the culprit. I mentioned that I've been eating gluten free for a while and that my digestion is doing very well - I've certainly had my share of intestinal disturbances.

the interesting thing that she said to me, was that she wasn't super strict about keeping her diet sans gluten since it contradicted her value of eating whatever she wanted. "Life is too short to eat cardboard".

I can appreciate that.....but what's ironic about this (to me, of course) is that the meal that caused her GAStric distress came out of a package. Powdered potatoes, meat & gravy. Um....yum?

What is cardboard food really? There was nothing nutritionally real in that 'meal from a pouch' which apparently tasted good. Isn't life too short to eat food that isn't real? Isn't life too short to eat food that gives you such bad gas that even professional conversations require apologies?

I know that a lot of "health" food is low on taste, but so much of it - food that is grown and prepared with intention & creativity - is simply delicious. Let your taste buds guide you - YES.

Mamma's homecooked meals can fall in this category if they aren't full of our modern short cuts. My grandmother has amazing soup making abilities....but at some point her soups ceased to have homemade stock ingredients, and started having an MSG-laded, artificially flava'd bases. Sigh. So close.

I do agree with my co-worker. Life IS too short for cardboard foods - both the instant fake stuff and the tasteless health varieties.

all you gotta do is get off your ass and find it. Tastes great and beats being that girl who's known for 'crop-dusting', right?

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