perhaps it's because of a recent art class, but I'm looking at the monster bruise on the heel my hand and feeling awe at its beauty.
I'm a big believer of 'you are what eat, drink, & think about', and as such I choose my food, beverages and thoughts accordingly. What happens when a person aims to eat the best food, drink the best drinks and think the best thoughts ever? A lil' something called magic.
Monday, December 21, 2009
pain? what pain?
perhaps it's because of a recent art class, but I'm looking at the monster bruise on the heel my hand and feeling awe at its beauty.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Pablo, my soul twin
Thursday, November 26, 2009
still in love
It seems appropriate to publically serenade chocolate, since it's been so good to me all these years - specifically raw chocolate...which has brought my adoration for this nut to a whole new level.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
dear universe: style me!
One of my life goals is to have a personal stylist. Someone that I consult with on a regular basis on what looks best on me, what my image is communicating, where I want to take my hair, etc, etc.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
my modern ark
The other day my mind drifted to a piece of land my family owns out in the middle of somewhere. It's a lovely parcel of earth, with rolling trees & brooks and deer & bunnies. What's not to like, really. It's one of those 'things' in my life that I like knowing is there...even though I can't say i've used it that much. I remember my dad took my sis and I cross country skiing there once upon a time.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
embracing my inner hick
there came a point not too long ago when I realized that I not only am I not New York socialite material - it's actually cool that I'm my own brand of me. Sure I might not be as refined or well read as I'd prefer...but it seems that what I've got going on might actually be better for the planet than if i was any other way.
Monday, October 19, 2009
the cacao activation process
I ate a copious amount of raw cacao during the addition to many other super star foods like mulberries & raw honey & mesquite & lucuma & almonds & vanilla bean caviar fresh from papa new guinea. exciting exotic ingredients with intoxicating aromas and titillating tastes.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
ode to fridge magnets
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My ADHD: Attention Drawn to a Higher Dimension
Recently at a super awesome David Wolfe event I attended in Cowtown I learned many profound things surround the following concept: the subtle energy of your food becomes your mind. I forget who’s words those are (Einstein?) but they’re fricken genius (obviously).
These words charge the passion that stirs within the quality of my food (and water and thoughts for that matter) have been swirling in my consciousness for years now. That I understand and recognize these subtle energies shows that I've accepted this level of awareness into my being. Every choice that I make is articulated by that concept. And...communicating this message to others has become important to me...although I'm not sure how effective my efforts have been. I might have to work on my strategies, tactics & delivery.
I do wonder what space an individual's heart & head has to be in to accept the notion of the subtle energies of food affecting their mind. I've talked to my family about these things for example...and to a certain extent they seem to logically understand. Yet their actions speak louder than words - still choosing to consume fast food, conventionally grown produce & meat and packaged goods, etc. which don't exactly contain the subtle energy of illumination. Clearly there's a disconnect.
I truly want to understand this disconnect better but I guess this is where I lose my steam - if the subtle energy of food resonated with them their choices would be different. I don't want to judge - that doesn't help...but then I don't want to eat those foods either when they're served up at celebrations, etc. To me, they're GROSS. Disgusting really. So 80's, and not the part of the 80's worth reviving for the sake of style & entertainment.
Of course, they think what I eat is just plain weird too...but I'm just going to stick with it. At some point I know things are going to start smelling like roses for me all the time. On some dimension they already do. I just gotta tap into it. Meanwhile, until then, I'll relish in the fact that I'm harnessing the energy of the best food available and let my mind sort out the rest.
Monday, September 21, 2009
new school orange julius
Refreshing & delicious, this new age orange julius goes great with those lingering childhood memories of strolling through the mall on weekends or of hanging out in the food court after school acting all bad-ass n'shit.
Blend until smooth, pull up a hammock, and enjoy.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
el healing crisis-o
hmmm. for someone who advocates a healthy lifestyle, i sure find myself sick often. Just this week - after spending a week at a seminar eating less then preferred food (despite my best efforts), sitting in air conditioning and sleeping less than normal & traveling via airplane I find myself on the lip of a sinus-y mucous wave. Sure last week was challenging, but shouldn't my immune system be super charged for these exact events?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
turns out: no one likes needy.
When it comes to being attractive to the opposite sex, does confidence trump nose jobs, weight loss and brand name clothes? I’m inclined to say that it does.
Let’s break it down. We all know that:
- People who are insecure are unattractive and needy. Red alert! It’s interesting how they project themselves to others and almost encourage others to continue treating them in the way they see themselves. It’s wacky.
- Most people live their daily lives out of fear and anxiety, believing that if they can just get X to happen (make a million dollars, get that biker boyfriend, lose twenty pounds), those negative feelings will go away and they'll be 'happy'.
- But…if a person is fearful and anxious this is simply a reflection of themselves and how they habitually deal with the world, not a reflection of what's happening in their life. Woo-woo. It’s starting to get deep over here!
- Until a person changes how they deal with themselves at a root level, they will never be able to change those behaviors and will continue to be at the mercy of insecurity and anxiety. Ew!
- And this spiral of negative emotions highlights their insecure behavior – especially around those lovelies that they want to snuggle with or get closer to - poisoning their ability to create lasting, fulfilling, and healthy relationships. Oh oh.
- When actions are motivated by insecurity and anxiety, this shows through to the quality of beings (or lack of beings) in a person’s life ... usually in the form of validation-seeking (tell me I’m beautiful – please?) relationships and verifies that yucky feeling of lack. Needless to say, this usually drives quality people away (ie NOT a chick or dick magnet).
- The only way an individual can take care that their behavior is consistently coming from their confident higher self is to deal with insecurity at the root. That line in Jerry Maguire when Jerry says “you complete me” is bullshit. A person completes themselves. In other words, the man or woman of your dreams won’t make you happy until you’re just plain ole happy all by yourself. Yep.
Well shit…that’s almost as easy as buying some ‘eau de I love myself’ at Neiman Marcus. Thank Gawd I’m totally confident. Phew.
Friday, August 28, 2009
that's enough ying yang for me, thank you
Thursday, August 20, 2009
the eye of the storm
the flavor of this week: hurricane. fast paced. varied. action oriented. lots of 'new' stuff. Externally, lots of stuff has been going on. Internally, my mind is going ape shit.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
the last high
how it ever happened that I lived my whole life without crowd surfing I don't know...but this past Saturday @ the Pearl Jam concert I finally experienced it. i knew i wanted to...I've always wanted to...but held myself back. Next time...or it's stupid so why bother? these were the types of conversations that streamed in my head when I was rationalizing against doing what I want.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
when life gives you lemons
make lemonade. duh!
- 1 liter spring water or 1 ice cube tray
- 8 organic lemons sliced in half
- 1/4 cup agave nectar
It is fun to make and goes down sooooo good.
thanks shannon leone for recipe inspiration!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
a free bird?
Monday, July 27, 2009
the mind-gong effect of Rumi
Thursday, July 23, 2009
my magic ‘mood’ hair.
Ummm, so how can I control my life when I can't control my hair? If a ‘hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself’ (Givenchy), then perhaps I’m going to have to dig deep in the next few days or weeks to get to know myself and how my hair works.
Fascinatingly, my hair days are generally a solid reflection of myself. Good hair day – all is well in Krystyna-land. Bad hair day – I’m as frazzled as my hair is frizzled. How is it that this works so accurately?
Last week I went to Wizard Training Camp to hone my manifestation skills, etc. I had a great time, enjoyed the processes, the fresh air, and the company of the fine, illuminated beings that were there. I’m still working to make sense of my paradigm shifting week off the grid.
Anyway, got my hair cut in
Fast forward a couple days when I finally wash my hair and realized that the poofyness of my hair wasn’t so much from the styling products scrunched into my hair, or a residual effect from the best day ever at Kits beach but because my hair was cut was far shorter and more layered than I realized - aaack. In other words, my current head of hair is utterly unmanageable!
Not surprisingly my week looks a lot like my hair – the color is lovely, but the style is a mash between bed head & insane asylum – and my week has been fun and filled with delightful people, but I feel weary & confused. Perhaps as I’m integrating my learning’s from last week, the chaos of my life (& hair) is surfacing only to be smoothed out in the near future where my purpose will make more sense (and my hair will be better than ever).
I trust my hair. I trust the universe.
Monday, July 6, 2009
eat junk, become junk
Probably one of my larger monthly expenses – besides all the money involved with property ownership – is my food bill. Being super choosy has its price – with money, yes – but if not money, then time, effort &/or creativity is the ‘bill’. In the past few years I’ve come to recognize that paying more for the best food available is worth the cost of acquisition.
When I consider that every molecule of what I consume is used as the building blocks for my body – i.e. becomes a part of it – the choice becomes simple. Do I want my brain to be composed of molecules from a big mac or a home grown organic garden salad with all the fixin’s?
Brillat-Savarin said: Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are. When it comes to food, much of the “stuff” available to eat out there is like, EW. Far from being food, many of the products available are simply ‘edibles’ that we consume to fill our tummies. So, if we’re eating foods that technically aren’t even real – exactly who are we?
Concocted in a laboratory for maximum yield & profit or flavored for our habit-forming eating and sensory pleasure, these foods are slowly destroying our genetic make up.Yep, one meal at a time genetically modified Franken-foods, and edibles grown with fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, larvicides, antibiotics and hormones are fucking with our DNA slowly, but surely. Oh, darn.
How to get over this whole “dilemma”: pay attention. To what you eat. All the time. Michael Pollan, food researcher and author, proposes a new answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. An excerpt from the first chapter of his book The Omnivores Dilemma helps to make sense of things (click here).
Reading ingredients makes this easy. If the words on the side of the box sound like something from a chemistry reality, they are.
The best part of committing to eating the best food ever – all the time - is that food becomes an adventure. Searching out delicious, nutritious eats no matter where you are, who you're with or what time it is generally serves up the most interesting people, places and experiences. Bon appetite.
Friday, June 26, 2009
mustering paradise
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if it was perfect.
I would wake up early not because I had to, but because my whole being would be so excited to be alive and get my day started that getting up would be fun. That’s right – fun!
I would gaze at the sunrise and do some yoga, go for a surf and have a nice breakfast and relax for a couple hours in the morning and allow myself to awaken and ease into the day.
I’d play with my dog and arm wrestle with my main man. I would work on my various projects that help people to blossom and make me the cash that allows me to thrive. Or maybe I’d save that for later and instead I’d go out to the forest and listen to the trees or travel to a music fest and rock out or fly my Cessna to a photographic heaven and start snapping.
The point is that I’d have options and I’d call the shots.
I’m convinced this is exactly what I can create for myself, I just have to go and fricken do it.
I do look better with a tan, so I really ought to get on this already.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
the truth about superhero-dom
Who doesn't want to fly or have super powers or transcend natural and civic laws and cultures in the name of humanity? At the very least the majority of us are superhero hopefuls in the making. It's simply a matter of stripping down to your birth suit. In other words, you're a just aren't aware of it yet.
There's a great scene from Kill Bill, where Bill shoots Beatrix (The Bride) in the leg with a truth serum injection, and a classic monologue regarding Superman spills forth.
"Bill: Take my favorite superhero, Superman. Not a great comic book. Not particularly well-drawn. But the mythology... The mythology is not only great, it's unique.
The Bride: [who still has a needle in her leg] How long does this shit take to go into effect?
Bill: About two minutes, just long enough for me to finish my point. Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there's the superhero and there's the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is
This monologue got me thinking about myself...and how I wear my Clark Kent couture everyday, when I really just want to wear my cape and fly around the planet helping people, kittens and other animals in distress. And how different am I really than everyone else? Is it so inconceivable that we're all hiding our cape & tights under our slacks & blazers? Me thinks yes.
And if I'm already a superhero and don't know it...all I have to do is learn the skill sets that will let me tap into my superhero-dom.
Sounds more exciting than anything I’ve watched on TV lately.
Friday, June 12, 2009
floating to flavor country
On my 'to do' list as of April 2009 - hot air balloon ride. Whilst joking with a compadre in a French restaurant, it came to my attention that a hot air balloon would probably be the best way to get to flavor country. Now being a fan of flavor country and contantly striving to find new & better ways to get there, the idea of floating there with the wind cracked my mind open. It contrasted with my usual efficient (car, plane) or etheric (mind, spirit) means of transporation.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
5-4-3-2-1: lessons from The Proc
I love people that are committed to being the best ‘thems’
they can be. Constantly striving for personal bests isn't
exactly easy. But it's also not boring.
I'm into living a life that's not boring...thus Bobby Proctor's
wisdom speaks to me.
Bobby Lesson #5: There are no limits, so don't set puny
goals. Reach further, because what you can currently
comprehend only leads to mediocre results.Our
comprehension is based on our vibration right now and
generally that's NOT where we want to be. Chew on this
Bobby Lesson #4: Know what you want. Not only know
what we want right now, but know what we want after
that. Be specific and that thing will come--but only if you
can feel it deep inside. If you want incredible health, know
what it means to you and feel it inside.
Bobby Lesson #3: Find a mentor (or a few!). The Proc worked
with Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant and these success
greats taught him all he knew and then he went out and
applied them for himself. Choose your life, health and fitness
and finance teachers wisely and reach for the top. If someone
doesn’t have the results you’re looking for…then they’re not
good mentor material. I.e. don't listen to the fat personal
trainer who tells you what you should eat. :-)
Bobby Lesson #2: Know it will happen. One thing that has
been constant in Bob Proctor's life is that he knew something
big would happen. When *The Secret* was released at the
age of 72, he was propelled from greatness to *legendary*.
He knew it was going to happen all along. If you know your
health will be awesome, it will. If you know that you’ll meet
the perfect partner for you – you will…and so forth.
Bobby Lesson #1: Repetition creates vibration and vibration
creates results. The Proc read the same book over and over
again for 3 years. Yup, three years! He wanted to make sure
that he *got* and applied everything to get the results that
he wanted--massive success. If you want massive success in
your life, finances, relationships, health and fitness, etc then
follow this recipe: learn, learn, learn and repeat, repeat, repeat.
Oh Bobby - You just KNOW! And now…back to being the
best me I can be…
Thursday, May 28, 2009
holy guacamole
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
the apple doesn't fall far...
I have my claim to many curious habits, and part of what makes these eccentricities interesting is that other members of my family share them with me - so obviously learned!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
i travel, therefore i am
Sometimes I think to myself "holy schnickey's the world is awesome!".
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
tappin’ into my inner power
Prancing around stage in a lil’ gold dress, fish net stockings and armed with a shot gun is pretty liberating.
Last night I had my tap dance debut. The dance studio that I was training with is closing their doors forever, and I took part of their last ever grand finale show after one year of study. The theme was Amusement Park, and my act was in the shooting arcade – me, my teacher Suzie and Coralee tippity tapped around stage with toy shotgun to a remix of the Los Lobos “Shot Gun” song. Cock, bang. Those suckers we’re pretty loud, I have to say.
I really wanted to perform my dance ‘perfectly’ but opted for having fun when the mistakes started surfacing. I’ve come to recognize that most people don’t recognize the fuck ups when they happen, and so it’s better to just keep tapping than admit defeat – in whatever form that comes. A big smile is a great diversion to error, in my mind.
I was a good little Buddha and practiced non-attachment to the outcome of this dance. I worked to shift my anxiety to perform into excitement to be seen and my need to be perfect into artistic expression…I have to admit that it was work to do this – but certainly worth the effort.
I like being on stage…in the spot light. Hmmmm, what next?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
from the lounge of posh spice
A sophisticated sangria recipe that's sure to kick off the patio season with a splash. Courtesy of GQ.
3/4 cup brandy
1/4 cup Marie Brizard apricot brandy
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup raw cane sugar
1 peach or nectarine, chopped
1 plum, chopped
1 bottle red wine - (any Pinot Noir, Malbec or Cab Sav will do)
Dissolve the sugar in the liquids, then add the fruit & chill. Serve in chilled glasses with a tablespoon each of ice chips.
Goes great with a self assured attitude. Perfect for celebrating successes, big or small.
Monday, April 27, 2009
the art of giving
I've been giving money to bums lately. I suppose I've been asked by them a lot more. And I've actually had the cash on hand. I've been known to respond to bums "do you take debit?" when they ask - not to be cheeky - but because it was the truth. I physically can't give what I don't have. One thing I like doing is giving them a fiver. It's more than they expect when they ask for change. The look of gratitude on their face alone is worth the transaction. I mean, expecially knowing that I would probably just spend it on a soy latte @ starbucks - which creates waste and screws with my adrenal glands - whatev's. I'd rather help a bum.
Sure, there is a strong likelihood he'll spend the money I give him on stuff that doesn't serve his higher self - but I don't live on the street - so I'm not going to judge the comforts someone seeks when they sleep on the ground and eat out of a dumpster. Neale Donald Walsh once said to open your heart to giving to those that ask...because it really is hard to ask. And he was a homeless alcoholic and he got his shit together and became way sucessful. It was the combination of his will and the donations of humans that facilitated this. Bums see life in a whole different way...and even though many of them are totally bombed on who-knows-what a good deal of the time, I can't help but wonder how much more 'connected' they are at the same time. Their worries are exclusively based in the present moment.
My dad 'happened' upon a box of Australian Viognier mini bottles - it was an exciting day until we tasted it. Meh. Not our cup of tea. So the box of vino blanco sat in the garage for months, until a big spring clean day. I volunteered to take the box down to Whyte and leave it near a dumpster where the likelihood of it being 'disposed of' properly' was high. Days later I stopped off for groceries, popped my trunk to grab my reusable bags and then (appropriately) noticed a bum hanging outside the super-marché selling his Voice magazine - which chronicles the plight of the homeless. I seized the opportunity, grabbed the heavy box from my truck and walked over to the man. "This might sound weird....but do you want a box of wine? My fam and I don't like the taste - it's yours if you want it". Well "God bless you, child", he sure did want the 24 bottles of classy, mind numbing goodness. Later after my shop I noticed him and his girlfriend pushing a shopping cart together - the box of wine its only contents - into the sunset. I imagined them having a romantic evening together, drinking wine and sharing stories - just like I do when I'm on a date.
It was a magical moment in my life - all brought to me through practicing the art of giving.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
after problem comes no problem
Hi. I’m Krystyna. It’s been 835 days since my last hot dog.
I went to a T. Harv Eker talk the other night, and it was a fun, entertaining evening spent discussing ‘the economy’ - a favorite topic of convo these days. Or not. For me, hearing someone like Harv speak is a soul soothing experience. Oh phew, there are sane people out there…in abundance. It’s all about finding the place and the space to connect with them. Instead of getting another dose of the CNN (Constant Negative News) doom and gloom we got a pep talk that this time is ripe with opportunity if we open our hearts and minds to it.
How can we create our own thriving economy? Well…in a nutshell…
Be realistically optimistic. Note that an optimist, by definition, finds the best possible solution to a problem. Remember that what goes up must come down, and vice versa. The economy isn’t going to be in the toilet forever, just like it wasn’t able to soar forever. Will the economy get better? Yes. When will it bounce back? Eventually. Being an optimist is a choice, and is based in action. Negativity is based in paralysis. Ahem.
Use “what is”. Recognize that way things are and learn to distinguish opportunities versus obstacles. There is a multitude of ways to prosper no matter what is going on. All you have to do is look at how you can solve problems for people and make money while doing it. Help people = make money. It’s a beautiful equation
Have a clear strategy. Ask yourself: What’s my true intention – survival, comfort or wealth? Who am I? What’s my risk/stress tolerance? What do I know? What am I willing to learn? In short – be aware of who you are. These simple, yet loaded questions will bring clarity to your life.
Trust in yourself. Know that you will always find or create a way. This locus of control is basically your key to happiness. Write that down.
Do whatever it takes. If you’re 100% committed to success, if you’re dedicated to gettin’ er done, then you will see the corresponding results surface in your life. It is law. Hazy actions = hazy results. Isn’t math fun?
Never give up. The only person in the way of any success you are seeking in any area of your life is you. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but once you choke it down it’s very liberating.
Pursue self-mastery. In other words, take conscious control of your behavior. Consider that the way you think about money and success forever – your ‘money blueprint’ – is the product of verbal cues, modeling and specific instances from your past, involving authoritative people in your life like parents, teachers and clergy. This is good news if you grew up hearing things like “I can do great things with my money” or “you are a genius!” and bad news if you heard things like “money is the root of all evil”, or “you’ll never amount to anything”. But good news to counteract the bad news (booyah) is that simply recognizing that these ‘mental tapes’ are subconsciously playing in your head is enough to shift your mindset onto a more successful track. Awareness in itself is profound. Even better? Replace the crappy limited thinking tapes with tracks of shiny new endless possibilities. It’s worth doing the inner work to change your roots, so the fruits you grow will be that much sweeter.
The gist: this talk reiterated to me that I’m in control my own success & happiness. I can be a defensive worrier, an indifferent watcher or a go-gettin’ warrior that knows an opportunity when I see one and take the bull by the horns and position myself for success (see above). Sounds way better than what CNN is reporting.
Hot dogs suck.